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How does google rank pages with few links?

Links do matter, and link building is often the priority for those involved in web design and search engine optimisation. They spend a substantial amount of time trying to build backlinks so that Google will rank their web pages higher than their competitors.

In a recent video, Google’s Matt Cutt’s revealed that links still hold tremendous value in the eyes of SEO rankings and that this would not change anytime in the near future. Backlinks can drive actual traffic as well as increasing search engine traffic – the more backlinks, the more credibility your website has. Building links does take time, so what do you do until you have built a large backlink profile?

Adding quality content will boost your Google rank

Luckily you’re not doomed to years of irrelevance as links aren’t the only way to be noticed. What follows is an explanation of some tips provided by Google’s Matt Cutts when he was asked about this issue. Great content is a key factor in getting your website ranked, and the best content is dynamic and organic. That means that newer pages and articles should be written naturally and in response to day-to-day concerns and current industry trends or news.